Are you ready to authentically boost the quality of your marriage, get along better, and consequently reduce conflict?

Why A Challenge?

Because half of all marriages end in divorce.
But you? You’re in it to win it! Eyes on the prize, you're fighting the good fight for your marriage on a daily basis. Some days it’s harder than others. There are frustrations, different perspectives, busy schedules, and conflicts.

Wife for the Win challenges you and give you focus, motivation, and a well laid out plan for you to execute. 

Get daily emails during the work week that detail an important aspect of your marriage, relevant homework assignments to boost your relationship, and practical worksheets for journaling and reflection.

marriage challenge wife for the win by truly devoted to him

How It Works

Day 1

Helpful Practices
 for being a happy wife

Day 2

Encouraging Tips 
on being an intimate wife

Day 3

for being a fun wife

Day 4

Practical Advice
for being a providing wife

Day 5

Easy Tasks
for being a respectful wife
